Write for Folioweekly
Folio Weekly welcomes contributions from freelance writers. Compensation varies according to subject matter and story length. (Mail and Backpage Editorials are not paid.)
Letters should be no longer than 400 words. Space is reserved for letters that address or respond to a story that appeared in Folio Weekly. These are unpaid submissions. A full name, address and phone number is required for publication.
(Address and phone number are for verification purposes only.) Send letters to themail@folioweekly.com or to
Folio Weekly
9456 Philips Highway, Ste. 11
Jacksonville, FL 32256
Backpage Editorials
These are unpaid submissions that should be between 1,200-1,400 words in length. They can be on any subject, but topics of local interest and/or concern are given preference.
Arts and Entertainment writing
Folio Weekly accepts stories on music, visual arts, dance, photography, fiction and other arts. Local stories are given preference. Story lengths vary, and topics
should be pitched before stories are submitted. Folio Weekly also accepts some movie reviews. Compensation varies. Send clips, contact information and story pitches
to John E. Citrone, Managing Editor, jcitrone@folioweekly.com
News writing
Story pitches can be sent via Anne Schindler, Editor, at aschindler@folioweekly.com. Compensation varies according to story length and difficulty.
Editorial Internships
Send inquiry letter and resume to John Citrone at jcitrone@folioweekly.com
Other Positions
There are no positions currently available.