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For the past 20 years, Folio Weekly has been the leading alternative voice in Northeast Florida. In addition to being the region's largest circulation newsweekly, Folio Weekly is also its most influential, giving readers a unique and penetrating insight on the local political and cultural scenes. An AAN award-winning magazine, Folio Weekly covers news, art, music, business and people with wit, substance and incisive commentary. Folio Weekly also offers the area's most comprehensive calendar of events and its best restaurant guide.

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Folio Weekly's 20th Anniversary Contest

ends April 28th 2007

Register to win prize packages-20 total prize packages, one $2,000 grand prize

Want to enter? Follow the link below for details,
Click here for contest rules and details

Folio Weekly Editor Booted from Regular Spot
on Morning News Show

April 20th 2007


John Citrone had been appearing each Wednesday on WJXT-TV to preview weekly entertainment options in Jacksonville, Fla., but he was canned and the show was canceled after he made comments on-air yesterday that were "very inappropriate and insensitive," according to the station. "Do we really care if Georgia burns?" Citrone asked jokingly about recent brush fires that have afflicted that state. Reached by AAN News, Citrone explains that the question was asked "in a Groucho Marx-y" way, and was in keeping with his on-air shtick as "the crazy alt-weekly guy." Folio Weekly's managing editor admits he was unaware of the severity of the fires, and says his only intention was to have a little fun with an interstate rivalry. He offered to apologize on-air later in the broadcast but WJXT declined, although they later included his written apology in a story about the incident posted on their website. Citrone tells AAN News that when he has had an opportunity to apologize to individuals who were upset by his comment, most have been understanding and supportive.

Take a Photo of You and a Folio Weekly and WIN!

take a photo with and a Folio

Twenty years of topping off racks all around Northeast Florida has been a lot of fun. Let's have some more! Take a picture of you or a friend reading any issue of Folio Weekly, attach 20 words or so on what you enjoy most about Folio Weekly and e-mail to myfolioweekly@folioweekly.com.

We'll sift through the entries and publish the coolest in the next issue. When you see your picture in Folio Weekly, you have 2 weeks from the publication date to stop by our office and pick up a free t-shirt.

Street Team Calendar

April 21st 2007

Folio Weekly's 20th Anniversary Party
at Lynch's from 7 to 9pm, 514 N. First St, Jax Beach

April 28th 2007

Folio Weekly's 20th Anniversary Party
at The Fuel Pit from 7-9pm, 5711-9 Bowden Rd, 1 block E. of I-95

click here to visit the New Jax4kids.com

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9456 Philips Highway, Ste. 11, Jacksonville, FL 33256 | ph (904)260-9770 | fax (904)260-9773
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